The Bizco 2 Day Live Intensive Reviews  (Video Inside)

The Bizco 2 Day Live Intensive Reviews (Video Inside)


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Speaker 1 [00:00:00] You can come in, share your testimony and results with the team because we want to know how this was for you all. So you are okay with sharing a testimonial? Hey, Brian, a testimony. I see Sister Janie in here, so, you know, I want a testimony on why I'm not here, though, but I'll call you anyway, so just prepare a few words for the congregation. Um, ACL body works. I'm a I'm a spotlight, you know, don't get nervous. Um, how was the class tonight for you? 

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Speaker 2 [00:00:39] You see? 

Speaker 1 [00:00:44] You're not able to see the words. 

Speaker 3 [00:00:50] Hi. Good evening. For me, I think I'm older than some of the people in the group. I'm able to retain a lot of information. Dr. Jake is speaking. I've been to several events that he's had here and he's come to Atlanta and it really helps. I jumped into my business, which is a passion, spent all my money, and now the discouragement is it's making sense, like what I did wrong, what I can do better now, how I can save my business. So I'm totally. 

Speaker 2 [00:01:26] Grateful. And I really tap. 

Speaker 3 [00:01:28] In tremendously to what he's saying. It's it's it's like being in a classroom and literally enjoying it. So. Yeah, that's it. Pretty much. You're in Atlanta at your body works. 

Speaker 1 [00:01:41] Are you trying to say you enjoy class? 

Speaker 2 [00:01:44] Definitely. 

Speaker 3 [00:01:45] Definitely. Definitely. 

Speaker 1 [00:01:47] Excellent. Thank you so much. Is hella definite, right? Okay. Perfect. Thank you so much for sharing. Jenny, look at you. You know, I was gonna let it go. How was the class tonight for you? And I'm going to preface this. You are right. This particular young lady has been with us for quite some time. Like she's listened to a lot of the classes. So I wanted her to come and share her perspective because, you know, most people, you know, after after a while, they run out of information. They keep saying the same thing. 

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Speaker 3 [00:02:24] Over and over. 

Speaker 1 [00:02:25] So I wouldn't have come this year to to let you know that. You know what I mean? We do this. Okay. I'm going to go. 

Speaker 3 [00:02:40] Okay. Hello? Um, so the class was an affirmative, right? As you said, I've been on this journey with you guys for some time, but it helps where I'm at different points in my business, how I can reset and really have to be realigned and refreshed in the information. And also really figure out what I need to do or what I have to do. Right. Because I don't I know you remember, but I was working on an e-book. Right. So everything that Jakes said, when it comes to knowing what you want to do and what your gift is, it's one of those things where I'm like a conflict, like, should I just go for it? But how he packaged it or how it should, how you should, the steps you should take or how you should go. Makes a lot of sense. So it's given me a chance to really take a step back and be like, Okay, that makes sense. And I can not necessarily restart, but start organizing some things around so that I could move forward with what my gift was.

Speaker 2 [00:03:57] Okay. 

Speaker 1 [00:03:58] So thinking that baby on the TV on I thank you so much for sharing. If you would like to share your feedback, go ahead and raise your hands. We have ambitious queens. How was your experience tonight? 

Speaker 3 [00:04:22] It was muted. I'm sorry. My experience was really good. Hey, everyone. My name is Tyler. 23 years old. I found Jake on Instagram about, like, last year, so I was able to hop on some of his labs and just kind of, you know, get a feel for him, who he is and what he do. And I signed up for this because I've just been pursuing my all business ventures and just soaking in as much information as I care. The fact that everything was, you know, like a free, lot helpful thing that was very helpful. I took a great deal of notes of learning, you know, different things when it comes to like the right steps to take when you want to get in the industry. And, you know, I'm going to just take everything that I learned to apply it and definitely do the hard work. 

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Speaker 1 [00:05:14] Yes, I love to hear that. Do the homework. Okay. Do the homework. And you at the right age. When I was 22, I wasn't in the classes like this. So thank you so much for coming in and sharing all that you got from this class. And we wish you well on all your endeavors. And I hope to see you Saturday. I mean, I know you name ambitious queens. I hope to see you on Thursday. All we go for prior to that a deal. 

Speaker 3 [00:05:43] Mm hmm. 

Speaker 1 [00:05:44] Excellent. Thank you so much for sharing. 

Speaker 3 [00:05:46] No problem. 

Speaker 1 [00:05:48] Brian Ross. Brother. I think you ought to be free. We'll close it. Why? Let me. I can't say your name is okay. You should be able me now. 

Speaker 2 [00:06:08] Okay. Can you hear me? 

Speaker 1 [00:06:10] Yes, sir, I can. 

Speaker 2 [00:06:11] How you doing? Says that you've been I. 

Speaker 1 [00:06:13] I am doing well. How are you? 

Speaker 2 [00:06:15] I got on clothes. I no longer here. I mean, you got to be. 

Speaker 1 [00:06:19] Hi. 

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Speaker 2 [00:06:22] My name's Brian. I'm 33. Has this officer actually found me and. What I got from Allison tonight is something that I owe a wise man told me and that I didn't preach to a lot of people. I went, the brother was saying, use your gift and some you love to do and make it a service and then become profitable off of it. Like I say, a wild man will sell me dog you. Blessings to you to be a blessing through, you know. See? And I just took that. And that's what I got from the lesson. And I like the same thing. Like, use your blessing, your gift, and be a blessing to somebody else. You do something you love you, you do something you love and enjoy what you do. Whether that's some you not really big on doing, not saying you ain't gonna want to do that for a long time. You don't want to make a thing out of a career, out of nothing. But if you've been around Brother Jake, one thing about Brother Jake, you are always going to get more than what you bargained for. Because he used his blessings and he to be a blessing to us, you know? And that's what I got from night. And I appreciate I was able to be here. Appreciated. I was here. Yeah. 

Speaker 1 [00:07:44] Now what to do about the things in Brazil. Come on. Now, look there, sister. Don't murder me. If I'm murder your name, my piece or a Nike shirt. So first of all, let me unmuted. So you deliver the Greeks right now. 

Speaker 3 [00:08:09] Hi, it's the Nketiah McKee. 

Speaker 1 [00:08:12] Hey, man. How was the experience like? 

Speaker 3 [00:08:16] I got a lot of notes. I would like to say thank you because he has a lot of energy, and I just was, like, studying with the anatomy of business. Like the notes that I got in reference to the product, the system, the sales, and going with the lungs and the kidneys. Everything that he was saying is just was so deep or it was so deep. On another level, it's like I paid for courses and literally I never even got close to what he did. In a complimentary Zoom call. It is very valuable. I'm very honored to even be part of this and I'm so grateful. I literally have a lot of homework to do. I got no notes. I got notes here. I would just like to say thank you and I just have to really study it and go back into that and just figure it out for Thursday. Thank you. 

Speaker 1 [00:09:11] You got it. You got it. Usually you try to defeat it at the end, but. No, no, you gotta. You gotta figure it out for Thursday. And you another name I'm remember. So we got the queen and then we got. I'm going to put your negative. I got it already. I'm very bad with names, but LeBlanc. Okay. Okay. I hope to see you on Thursday as well. 

Speaker 3 [00:09:29] You will. Thank you. 

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Speaker 1 [00:09:31] No problem at all. Thank you so much for sharing, Deon. Thanks, bro. Come on down with the shameless. Let me see. Oh, I can't pin you unless off camera. Oh. Dianetics Pro. Are you able to tell your camera? There we go. 1/2. There we go. How was your experience for two nights last? 

Speaker 2 [00:10:04] It was actually wonderful. As always, I wanted to get on to commend my brother Jake, this brother Deon. Brother Jake, if you look in or what have you. But it was wonderful. It was a powerful, inspirational and all of that. You know, I just wanted to get a brother comment. I wanted to say comment, brother Jake, you know, I get all the time to come and say, know, I want to tell you, don't shy away from, you know, this this description, brother, I heard you kind of say a few things. I know how, you know certain things can be catered to certain audiences, but everything is spiritual, brother. Just be wise as well, because I understand what you mean, but stay convicted. You know, just some regards, you express yourself how your platform is. We just have to be wise. That's our brother. So I'm your brother. I'm on again, man. Just want to commend you are into the system. So to victory that's the name. Yeah. So it was wonderful. I got much. I got much from. Okay.



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that we did yesterday, if you would like to share, your experience, your testimony, something that you got out of today's class, please go ahead and raise your hand because the people want to know. Okay. Where is your hand And then we'll put you on the, on the front screen. I see. Ambitious queen came back. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. She's super serious. for those of you who didn't make it to the first fast, she gave her testimony and she said she was gonna come back to this back. So if you have learned anything from this class or gotten anything about you, go ahead and raise your hand. Okay. Don't be shy. Okay. There's no need to be shy. I don't buy, you know what I mean We just want to know what your experience is. The only way that we can make this process better is if you tell us what you liked and enjoy it, and we'll give you more than that. so go ahead and raise your hand and we will call you up in the order in which you raise your hand, in the India, India, I feel like I'm saying your name wrong, cause I remember you saying it at first. but go ahead.

Yes. Hello. Well, yeah, my real name is Tyra. hello. I came today and I really enjoyed everything you guys has offered and that you guys spoke about. I think that if I had been able, I was kinda, it was kinda hard for me to get into zoom. so I think maybe if I was here in the beginning when everybody was sharing, like their homework and everything, and I was like able to kind of like express, what I got from the stuff that I written and like, almost like what, what you guys think about it and things like that. Then I think maybe I would have a, a different standing, I guess, on where I would want to go as far as like with the like, being ready as far as like right now, I feel like I have to do a lot more research, especially like with, what direction I want to take with my gift.

So, I have to do a lot more thinking on that, but other than that, I do want to keep, and like keep in contact with you guys and, stay on track of what you guys have going on because, I do feel like it's very beneficial. I just think that I'm not on the same pace as you guys. and I have a little bit more, foundation building to do to make sure that I'm not just doing something just to say that I'm doing it and that I'm actually in the right position to make it happen if that makes sense. But I really enjoy listening to, both, Jakes and it used, things that they were talking about. And I think that, the biggest thing that I wrote it in my notes, but when it was talking about perception and branding and things like that, that was really, really important. And I think that perception is a really big thing that personally I have had issues with. So not, not only just have issues with, but also that I've benefited from, so that whole, description of things that you need and things like that. That was really good. That was really good. That's all I want to say. Thank you guys.

Yes ma'am. Yes. Ma'am thank you so much for sharing. I do want to share and just in general and say this, right. the reality is that all of us, you know, wish we could have been one of the ones, right. We came in here and it was like, dang, they really given all the information. I'm trying to get the information. I want it to be us. Right. But, but if you think that just having that one session would have given you everything that you need from now and to the success of your business, please do not fool yourself in a way, because even after what they have given the people in the beginning, it's going to be a constant process of researching to improve. So if you are thinking that if you, if I could've just been touched, if I could have just been such, if you're thinking that that's not, that's not a reality.

Okay. I want you to know that this process is going to be a consistent time. I don't want to say time-consuming, but you going to have to put in more work every time, every time you don't have to put in more work because the market is going to change who you're talking to my change throughout the process of you developing your product. so I just want us to say that, but thank you so much India for coming up. Like it's, you know what I mean We, you, you just gotta do the work, you know, is there anyone else that would like to come up and give a testimony to how they, how the class was for them tonight Go ahead. And you can either drop a two in the chat or you can raise your hand how awesome he raised his hands. As you guys are in a real life. Let me put you up on the screen. What's going on as come talk to us as someone that got the, got the rollout what's going on.

If I'm Maya was like raised pain and my hand was like, well, if they don't own anyways, but I definitely want to thank, Dr. Jake for allowing me and everyone actually, cause it was definitely a group effort, with, you know, providing me with a better, insight into what my gift itself actually is. And to be honest, like I didn't sleep. I was like, okay, I probably need to go in and start doing this work now, but I know I need to get more information. So I'm excited for what's to come for the next, phase of everything. I'm just really glad I kinda got a jumpstart, but that's, that's really just it like, thank y'all so much. I really do appreciate it.

Yes, yes. And y'all, y'all gonna know I'm a little bit different. I'm real heavy on the self care. So I know you excited, but I can see that you need rest and his mom. So, you know, once this is over, I mean, crash and be done and be yes, but I'm so glad that you were able to come in, get corrected just a little bit, you know, you're more than, more than a motivational speaker. Well, thank you so much for sharing. Half of Louis is there. Okay. Mildred, come on down. Okay. You got to start your video before I can add, you know, the one

I say more than the agent.

Yeah. I was like, let me just, there you go.

Let me get to the Camden. I want to say greetings during every line. I know that, Dr. Jake talked about, don't talk about ages, but I'm one of the senior 7 cents and I'm thankful to be there. what I can say is, there's been a lot of knowledge share and it's opened my eyes to a lot because I'm one of those that I was talked about in some of the training where they talk about these set up abuse, since we've really been prepared before you set up the bees. And that's, I'm one of those and those, things that I did, was, concerning fashion, designing I design clothes. and I also cook, so I have a restaurant too. And when COVID he, I have a restaurant, a brick and mortar. I have the dress shop called dress code as well, but then when COVID hit, I had to get a job.

So I called back and I bought the chain. So Dr. Jake talked about that as well. And what I'm hoping to get from this is to really have a real mystic way, moving from bed. I don't plan to do that for ever and the times now, because I've worked from home, they have demanding times, which is, what, I've worked 10 hours per day, six days per week. And I only have one day out, but I still want to have the energy to pursue what I want to, to make a change in my life. I don't want to continue the way that I, but it's been such a wealth of knowledge. It gets me excited. And, I just want to learn how to implement it. And I'm not as savvy with the, social media and all of that. And I don't feel comfortable with it. So I need a slower pace than a lot of, a lot of the, people that are involved, they're comfortable with. So, social media. So that's my struggle for right now as well, but I want a, I want residual income that comes in, from drop shipping or something like that. I don't really want to have to do a whole lot. I'm looking at associated marketing use Williams.

Yes. Ma'am no problem. Well, on everything that you just said is an outline of what we're going into in the next phase


Your thinking and wondering, maybe you have, you don't want to raise your hand. Are you nervous That's exactly what this next phase of the process is helping you to iron down and focus on whatever that one thing is like online. They teach you all this stuff about, you got to have 12 different streams of income, but it's really one product that leads to multiple streams of income. And so exactly what you were talking about as well. Dr. Jager, I'm sorry. I think your audio is connect, disconnecting her. but exactly what you're saying about implementation is what that fourth day is going to be. and so I want to invite you, maybe you, someone is nervous, right. But we've seen it done at, at, I don't know, you guys think it's disadvantages, but it's really motivating, right There's ways that you can do the same thing that everyone else is doing, at your own pace, it doesn't have to be quick. It just has to be efficient. so I'm glad that you were able to come up and share, Mildred what your experience has been. and if there is no one else, if you would like to share, your experience drop a number in the chat or raise your hand and we'll get you up so that you can share whatever it is that you got from tonight's session, how's Rutger.

you have to turn on your camera so that I can bring you forward. Okay. Here we go.

Okay. Can you hear me now Oh, okay. Well, what I got from tonight was, the case, study, which was very helpful. Me, it, really, showed me that I was on the right path. I was thinking about doing a Facebook page, but I really wasn't sure what I should do, but where he said, you mentioned the part about starting a community. I was like, oh, okay. That's a good idea. So I plan on tomorrow, doing that, starting a community on Facebook, and everything they said just made it seem so simple and easy for me. And, for me to go to the next step. So I'm very happy and grateful that I had the opportunity to come and, learn a lot more from him. And last, thank you.

Thank you. Thank you so much for coming up and being open and willing to share your experience. I'm so glad that you got so much from this session. you know, this implement, that's it. Now let's just implement. Thank you.

All right. Y'all so it does not look like anyone else is desiring to share, their takeaways from tonight. So we're going to go ahead and in this session, like we said, he has dropped the link in the chat. So if you are someone that is desiring to move forward in the process, one thing, that, you know, Dr. Jake did not mention is that there's a lot of you that have been asking about this success. There's so many people in here that have been asking about asking about the success tracker. That's actually one of the things that does come when you are paying upfront for that experience. so the link is dropped in the chat. You can go ahead and join, or you can just get the replay if that's where you currently are. and we will see you all in the emails.



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